SAS (Spontaneous Attack Survival)

SAS (Spontaneous Attack Survival) is an intensive four-hour course that serves as the foundation of Modern Combative System. It is our open-hand combative system, designed to be practical, efficient, and reality-based.

What sets SAS apart from other martial arts and combative systems is our core principle: we assume every attack involves a concealed edged weapon, such as a box cutter. This mindset stems from the understanding that, among all non-ballistic force options encountered in the street, edged weapons pose the greatest threat. They can inflict devastating damage with minimal movement, often before the victim realizes they’re in danger.

Most traditional blade defense systems rely on being able to see the weapon and responding with a weapon of your own. However, real-world encounters rarely allow for this. SAS trains you to instinctively react to any incoming hand as if it holds a hidden blade. This approach ensures that your response is automatic, explosive, and effective—while still allowing for a measured reaction to the level of the threat.

Unlike other systems, SAS does not rely on pain compliance. Instead, it leverages mechanical and physiological advantages by exploiting the body’s natural weaknesses.

SAS is taught using Principle-Based Responses (PBRs) rather than the rigid “if he does this, you do that” approach, which often fails under real-world stress. A key component of SAS is Combative Anatomy—the study of human anatomy for the purpose of stopping an attacker as quickly as possible, rather than focusing on eventual incapacitation. We treat the human body as a machine and counterattack accordingly.

No prior martial arts or defensive tactics training is required.

Required Gear

  • Mouthpiece
  • Eye protection
  • Headgear
  • Elbow pads
  • Quality folding knife trainer (Spyderco, Emerson, Kershaw)